Sunday, January 28, 2007

Seani's response

Being a blogger of longstanding, and [*sound-of-trumpet-marked-"Ebren"-being-blown*] published Over By Over, Minute By Minute, Game By Game , Fiver, and Knowledge contributer I have Sean Ingle's email address.

So I asked him why I was banned.

He took time out of his day to respond to me, which I appreciated.

I'm not sure if I'm legally allowed to publish the resonse - but in effect he told me that there had been over 100 complaints about the Harry Pearson blog, and that if I was annoyed I should have simply complained about it . He said the moderator's stance seemed fair.

I had decided to try and make my point in a humourous way, in an attempt to get the banter back on topic, rather than report the comment - which always feels like telling tales to teacher.

This appears to have been the wrong option.

So no more Ebren.

I deeply appreciate comments made in my favour by other bloggers.

So big hugs to andrewm, bluedaddy, MouthoftheMersey,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ebren -
see my comment on your second post!

Jan 28, 2007, 6:32:00 AM  

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